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7/6:[Heijiro Yagi NOHIN]rerated talk event will be held. (Language: Japanese only)

July 03 (Wed.)

This time, we will hold a "Kwaiken (discussion)" as an event related to the exhibition “Yagi Heijiro NOHIN”. In addition to Heijiro Yagi, Naoki Takehisa, who was in charge of creating the website and documenting the exhibition, and Harumichi Nakamura, who was in charge of writing the captions for the basement floor, will take the stage to discuss the theme of what an "exhibition of graphic design" should be.
In 2022, Yagi, Takehisa and Nakamura co-planned and organized an exhibition called "Power/Point". Since then, we have been discussing the format of the exhibition and its relationship with graphic design/designers, as well as the difficulties and possibilities of "graphic design exhibitions".
In the first part of this discussion, the three of us would like to deepen our discussion on the significance of the "NOHIN" exhibition and its position, based on the context.
In the second part, we will welcome Mr. Kiyonori Muroga as a guest and ask him about the exhibitions he has planned so far and his impressions of the "NOHIN" exhibition from a wider perspective.
This discussion will be held at the ginza graphic gallery 2F, Graphic Archive Library, and will be held in a format with free access. There will also be a Q&A session, so please send your questions and comments here (dedicated Google Form).

■ Date: July 6 (Sat.), 2024
    Part 1: 12:30 -2:15pm / Part 2: 2:30 - 4:30pm
■ Speakers: Heijiro Yagi, Naoki Takehisa, Harumichi Nakamura / Part 2 Guest: Kiyonori Muroga
■ Venue:  Graphic Archive Library, 2F, DNP Ginza Building
*On the day of the event, the library on the 2nd floor cannot be used except during the event. Please note that you will not be able to view the books.

Free entry and exit, Admission free  *Photos will be taken for recording at the venue.

On the day of the event, we will be live-streaming audio only on YouTube. When the time comes, please enjoy it from here.
* Please note, the network may sometimes by unstable.
