About kyoto ddd gallery

kyoto ddd gallery was formerly DNP Duo Dojima (ddd), a gallery specializing in graphic design and graphic art, established in 1991 in Dojima, Osaka, for the cultural activities of Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. The name was changed to the current name when it moved to Kyoto in 2014. Since 2008, the gallery has been operated by DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion.

What is the future of design, and what should it be like? kyoto ddd Gallery seeks to expand the boundaries between graphic design and art by reading the new era trends and discovering new forms of creativity through exchange and dialogue. We hope that people who love design will meet, talk, and experience new discoveries here.


History Established in Dojima, Osaka on November 5, 1991. Moved to Minami-Horie, Osaka on May 24, 2007.
Moved to Uzumasa, Kyoto on October 9, 2014. Moved to Shijo-Karasuma, Kyoto on July 23, 2022.
Name kyoto ddd gallery
Location 3F COCON KARASUMA, 620 Suiginya-cho, Karasuma-dori Shijo-sagaru,
Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto City 600-8411
TEL: TEL: +81-(0)75-585-5370 FAX: +81-(0)75-585-5369
Exhibition Area 98 ㎡
Planning and Management DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion
Supervision Kaoru Kasai, Yoshihisa Tanaka
Purpose kyoto ddd gallery holds exhibitions in the area of graphic design by inviting creators and groups from Japan and abroad or cooperation by collectors.
Exhibitions kyoto ddd gallery holds exhibitions about five or six times a year.
Opening Hours 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (6:00 p.m. on Saturday, Sunday, and holiday.)
Closed on Monday (Tuesday if Monday is a holiday), the day immediately after a holiday.
Note No parking space.