Exhibition information

The163th Paul Davis Posters Exhibition

December 01, 1999 - December 21, 1999

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Creating a poster for the exhibition was not easy. I experienced many doubts as to what the final image should be and my studio floor was littered with rejected ideas. The final poster represents a new direction in my work but also contains echos of my illustrations from the early 60s. After the image was realized Mr. Tanaka created beautiful and elegant typography for the poster. As the date of the opening drew near we decided to also include in the exhibition a selection of magazine illustration and design as well as showing some experimental animation. To display the animation Paul Kitabayashi of Apple computer generously arranged for the loan of three iMacs. Throughout the process we worked closely with GGG stuff and they were extremely patient and helpful. I would also like to express my appreciation to Danielle Seem and Angela Camarano of my office for their hard work as well as to my wife, Myrna, who provided advice and support. I was very happy and felt that the organization of the exhibition, the production and printing of the gggBooks and the display of the work were first rate. Paul Davis